Kali is a term used to describe the Filipino martial arts. The word Kali can be translated as "hand motion" or "body motion."
Our Kali classes will cover many areas of training: single stick, double stick, stick & dagger, dagger, double dagger, palm stick, staff, and Panantukan (empty hand training including boxing, kicking, sweeps/throws, locks, and trapping). The curriculum we are training is the Minnesota Kali Group's Kali & Panantukan programs that Guro Rick Faye has put together after decades of training under Guro Dan Inosanto.

Training in our Kali classes will greatly enhance your self defense skills, coordination, body mechanics, focus, and ability to flow.
Our Kali program is headed by Ty Campos. He has been training in the martial arts for over 20 years. Ty's major influence and instructor is Guro Rick Faye, Head Instructor of the Minnesota Kali Group (MKG). While training at MKG, Ty has earned a Level III Instructor under Guro Rick Faye, Associate Instructor in Lee Jun Fan Gung Fu & Jeet Kune Do and The Filipino Martial Arts under Guro Dan Inosanto, Khun Kru In Muay Thai under Ajarn Chai (TBA), and CSW Coach Level I under Sensei Erik Paulson.
Also, to learn more about Kali, check out www.kalilessons.com
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